8 Signs That You’re Drinking Too Much

signs you are drinking too much

A dreaded hangover isn’t the only sign that your body is telling you to take it a little easy on the boozing.

Some of us still don’t become scared after having six beers on a night out. While you could feel fantastic and energised when you wake up, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you drank too much the night before.

This article will go through some immediate and long-term indicators of excessive drinking, including signals that don’t necessarily include a hangover, and will hopefully show you some of the benefits of drinking less.

Binge drinking and heavy drinking are two different types of excessive drinking. For women, binge drinking is defined as having four or more drinks in a single session and five or more for men.

Signs you are drinking too much alcohol

If you have any of these issues while continuing to consume alcohol, it may be a sign that you have a drinking issue.

You drink even when you think you may have a problem

Drinking excessively can lead to a number of issues. Long-term or short-term health issues could arise. It might have a detrimental impact on your friendships or family ties. You could struggle to complete the tasks you have at work or school.

You experience symptoms of withdrawal if you take a day off

When you quit drinking alcohol abruptly after a prolonged period of heavy use, withdrawal symptoms may develop. These signs of an alcohol dependency in your body are these symptoms. Sweating, tremors, sleep issues, rapid heartbeat, nausea and vomiting, hallucinations, anxiety, restlessness, and potentially even seizures are some withdrawal symptoms.

Those close to you are concerned about your drinking

Your loved ones and friends occasionally may detect behavior that you are blind to. Even if you don’t think there is an issue with your drinking, you should still go to your doctor if those close to you have voiced concern.

You need to drink more to feel the effects

Mild to severe alcohol use disorders are possible. An elevated tolerance to alcohol may be an indication that your drinking habit is getting worse. You may need to get drinking-related help if you need to keep drinking more to have the same benefits.

Your relationships are suffering

The impact of excessive drinking on your relationships is one of the hidden expenses. Drinking might lead to arguments with your loved ones. When you drink, you’re more prone to make poor decisions, have unstable moods, and act inappropriately. Your friends and relatives may become upset with you as a result of these actions.

Your drinking is causing health problems

Both short-term and long-term alcohol use are linked to a number of health issues. Short-term alcohol usage carries several dangers, such as poisoning from alcohol and injuries from collisions, falls, drowning, burns, and violence. Long-term alcohol usage is linked to a number of health issues, including dementia, cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

How mindful drinking can improve your life

If you’ve seen any of the symptoms mentioned above, you might think about quitting cold turkey to enhance your health.

However, for the majority of people, quitting alcohol abruptly is neither sustainable nor desirable. After all, research indicates that roughly 50% of adults want to cut back on alcohol consumption without quitting completely.

The middle ground offered by mindful drinking allows you to deliberately alter your drinking patterns without feeling under any pressure to stop. It focuses on being more aware and deliberate about how much, how frequently, and why you drink. You’ll experience higher energy and happiness as well as better sleep as a result.

The Sunnyside app provides a long-term solution for establishing healthier drinking habits if you’re eager to begin your journey toward mindful drinking. Through three cornerstone habits—early commitment to weekly plans, daily drink tracking and progress visualization, and becoming aware of drinking triggers—Sunnyside’s psychology-backed strategies enable members to position themselves for long-term success.